On vacation you forget the hustle and bustle of everyday life and your job.

You get a chance to relax and recover. Each country has its leave law, which sets the minimum paid for the vacation leave. In Russia there are twenty-eight working days. When working days are calculated, all non-working days and holidays are excluded. Employers are not entitled to shorten the minimum leave. You have a right to extend it.

Every day brings new fatigue to the people, and it adds to the existing fatigue. Days off which people have weekly can’t compensate for the overall fatigue. As a result, need for relaxation beings to increase. That is why either reduction of working hours or extension of the holiday season has a medical justification.

People need recovery and vacation leave, and just fatigue is not the only reason. The working people have to do the same work day by day. This monotony has negative influence on the human mind. It is considered that recovery of the human mind and body starts only after the first two weeks

There are different vacation types which can be divided into active and passive. People can spend their vacation by doing such sports as skating, mountain climbing, riding, hiking, skiing. Active one can make your muscles strong and it’s a way to get rid of extra weight. Skiing, cycling or walking in the forest is not only good pleasure, but also a great training for the whole body.

Among the passive types there is a vacation at the seaside and relaxation in the health resorts. Passive one has almost no physical exertion and it is recommended for people who refer to the category of older persons. And also families with children prefer such a vacation variant.

Everyone can choose a suitable type of holidays. The vacation has to give people a chance to fully recover from the previous activity during the year. It is especially pleasant for the people to spend their vacation where they are in harmony with themselves. A successful leave has a positive effect on the people over the course of a year.